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3 Ways to Escape Zip Ties

There's a protest going on this weekend. I won't be there, as no one's interested in having me write about it. That, and going there to actually take part would put me over a line that would keep me from writing about it later. That, and that, and going there just to watch for no apparent reason feels like kind of a dick move.

Even though I won't be going, facebook tells me that a lot of people I like will be.

So, for you guys, I'm posting this illustrated guide to getting out of zip ties (also known as riot cuffs) just in case you need to.

I can personally attest to the first method's effectiveness.

One thing this guide forgets to stress, though, is how important it is for you not to show off once you've worked your way out: Really, if you've already been put in riot cuffs, you've drawn enough attention to yourself. Once you manage to work your way out of them, it's probably best if you slip away quietly.

If you prefer video instructions, you can find those here.