"That's not a boy. Orphans are boys."
I'm just going to share a few of the dumbest things I've seen on the internet this week, because I'd like to get this stuff out of my system before I spend the whole weekend navigating a giant crowd of people whose good time I might otherwise ruin...
1. A Youtube response to the trailer for "Annie" (pictured above,) because fictional characters can only be white, apparently:
2. A comment on the Vita.MN article where artists were interviewed about their experiences with the Affordable Care Act. Because if you interview a bunch of people and this reader doesn't fully agree with every single one of them, you are obviously on the take from the liberal media owners, and you want to destroy America. Thanks, Obama:
3. Because if you get in an argument with someone, the best thing to do is diminish whatever their actual argument was down to the most absurd and indefensible straw man you can muster, then go around rebutting that behind their back. Bonus points if they're a famous writer, and you get to pretend you're smarter than a famous writer. This totally never makes you or your own argument look questionable:
4. Pretty sure I remember seeing this on t-shirts when I was in high school, but I never actually looked that closely at it until yesterday. That's when I noticed it's full of easy, mediocre jokes about various religions. Except for that Islam one... That one's not about religion: I don't get how hostage taking is a religious tenet, just like I don't get how anyone outside of 1981 could make that mistake: