A Guitarface Gallery
I'm going to go ahead and blame this whole thing on Matt Walstead. If it weren't for him, I might never have known that there is a name for that look you get when you're totally playing guitar. You know, the look that hints at equal parts painful bowel movement and painful ejaculation? (Except for the last one on the right up there, which is more like he's got a hole in his guitar.)
Anyway, now that it's in my head, I can't seem to shake it. So, knowing that the best way to deal with a thing you can't unsee is to get as many others to suffer along with you as possible, I've put together a bit of a guitarface gallery. These certainly aren't all of the guitarfaces you can find out there, but they are some of my favorites.
For a start, Duane Allman. Why? Because Duane Allman, that's why.
Also, Stevie Ray looking like he's trapped in an elevator with a rancid beer fart.
This kid right here? This is the kid I probably looked like when I was his age, but I had an electric. I think he gets bonus points for doing it unplugged.
"Why Lucille, what are you doing there?"
Guitarfacing is a male dominated sport, but Joan Jett doesn't give a fuck. Joan Jett dominates male domination.
He's super excited to have the week off from Hee Haw.
This isn't a person. It's someone using Poser 9 for the first time, trying to computer generate guitarface.
This? This is the second most epic guitarface ever.
And this is the first.